Saturday, 28 June 2008

GlenAbbey, Home of Ian & Carol

Thursday 26th June
I was meeting Kay for coffee at 10am so there was no rush. A cheeky little mouse jumped out of my food pannier and it looked as if it had a very good breakfast!! I had a sou'west wind on my way to GlenAbbey and also I had to look out for Becky who was driving from Winnipeg to meet me. I arrived at the most fantastic place--Ian and Carol's farm, It was a pig farm when they bought it but now a cattle farm and I was so pleased to see the Belted Galloways which originatd from the area where I now live in Scotland. Another evening of merriment ensued with many neighbours arriving. The social life here in the prairies is quite something I tell you. You have to be here to believe it. A couple of days ago I was in a wilderness with not a soul in sight and now I am surrounded. I apologise to the friends I made in Sascatchewan about the roads and the loneliness of the prairies, but they, and the courteous drivers, especially the big truckers, made up for everything.

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