Saturday, 28 June 2008

New Friendships

Tuesday 24th June
Reston to Souris
I arrived in Souris with a tail wind and blazing sunshine. The town used to be called Mouse after The Mouse River, but 127yrs ago the residents decided they did not like the name and changed it to Souris, French for mouse!! It is a very lively little town with friendly smiling faces. Within half an hour of arriving I was in the dining room of Manor House (residential flats) sharing a cup of tea with Lynn and Tineke. Lynn was preparing the evening meal for the residents and asked me if I would like to join them. She said they would love to hear about the bike ride and the meal was at 5-30. Yes I could use the computer and blog away as long as I wished. Meantime, Lynn was phoning round some Scottish Friends to tell them about Granny Mave who had just arrived in town. Later after a delightful meal, I cycled off to the camp site. A honed and toned and tanned Sandra came to-wards me. "Hi" she said "You must be Mave. I have been looking for you in the camp." She invited me to her home for a cup of tea and to meet her husband, Bill - Canadian, Sandra was born in Glasgow. Two figures passed the window. It was Robin and Yvonne who were on their way to the camp with home made shortbread for me. She called them in and after, a great blether of an evening, Yvonne invited me to come for supper the next night. What wonderful friendly people--you cannot imagine.

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