Thursday, 19 June 2008

Lonliness of the Long Distance Cyclist

Tuesday 17th June
I really do need some human being from somewhere. I think Penny and Janice could cope as they both enjoy solo cycling. I am hoping to meet up with Becky but it is so difficult as once I leave here, communication ends and that is why I have not been able to blog. I hope this makes up for it - [At the moment Mave is sending her blogs in batches by email]
[Mave's mobile has been out of action for the past 4 days - and possibly still is, we will not know until trying it at 4.00 o'clock this afternoon - and she has been out of contact but she has clearly been able to find a computer in Lafleche to which we are indebted for the sometimes heartbreaking story of what took place over that period. JRG]


hill shepherd said...

Hope my epistle reached you this time....remember the night of the ceilidh and I was stuck in Glasgow ...for hours....blogging. I could have been to the ceilidh and back! Technophobe!
Frantically defragmenting after Court..if this doesnt work Mave...NO COMMENT!

hill shepherd said...

Dear Mave....just plain Mary here....Brother Bruce prompted me to contact you again, right now! (remember Bruce, Aberdeen vet who returned to Scotland to continue practice after some years at Foam Lake, Saskatchewan, as vet with his colleague Alastair now in Vancouver) Bruce heads out to beloved Canada in a week's time with the family for their annual Canada trip, based this year in Calgary. He alerted me to how far you had come.Phew! well past Calgary so no chance to meet unfortunately. Your stories are so captivating! I could chuckle for a change.
Missed the Spring, Paddy and the hill lambing. Take heart, stuck in the sleet on the quad in a bog is heaven compared to being captured in Court, a slow death , far from enrapturing, and still no way out of that mire! I'm way behind your adventures, now for 5 months,having been caught up in that underworld of the Scottish Supreme Courts never mind the 23 years before that! At least the sheep in the hills kept my sanity. I was shocked to learn of Penny's absence, compounded by the loss of mobile contact. But boy you've had some scarey times....the worst is loneliness....on the Prairie....without Penny least I've always had my collies in the most desolate distant hills....Without a mobile though, don't think I could cope, certainly not alone. Yes Mave we're not meant to be islands. Fingers crossed company returns soon....otherwise its time for Paddy and I to join you! Take heart I'm still cooped up cocooned in court files in Josephine's flat, Paddy's at Peter's and the cat's home alone with the peacocks. After the farm now we're probably gonna lose our home too, so that's a quarter of a century down the swanee...woe is me but whoopee the truth is out....and that thorn in the flesh of 20 odd years is GONE! Paddy & I can join you for that next adventure on foot? And you've shown there is a choice....well done...I so admire you....keep the pecker up!

Love Mary

PS Did you come across Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now" after all?